Monday, December 14, 2009

Investment Opportunities in Bhutan

Bhutan is out of its own Isolation from rest of the world by joining United Nations in 1971. It took very swift turn by monetizing its economy and progressed in development. By the year 1999, Bhutan was ready for the acceptance of Modern Media and Internet High Way in the Country. In the same year, the supreme leader of the country....the 4th King, declared to abdicate his throne and give the country a change in the political system from Monarchy to Democracy. The year 2008 witnessed series of changes in the country. Coronation of our new king to signing of the new charter by the king giving his power to the people. Now, Bhutan is ready to face the challenges of Globalization. The most of the bureaucratically designed rules and regulations are being straightened and business environments are being reconditioned. However, the wind of change is fierce here in Bhutan. We have lots of business opportunities both for the Foreign Direct Investors as well as National Investors- especially in the field of Constructions, IT, Tourism, Banking, Investment and Hotel Industries. Bhutan has hired the Mickensy Consultancy Firm to advise on the making of conducive business establishment environment. Therefore, Investors from all over the world can look for the investment in Bhutan.

Who Am I ?
I am a young but qualified budding entrepreneur. I have the passion to see business entities growing under my nose. I am a MBA-Finance, graduated from the Maastricht School of Management( ), the Netherlands, done my Post Graduation in Financial Management and did my Bachelor in Commerce with Honors (B.Com(Hons)) from Delhi University. I worked as a Civil Service for almost 10 years, in the full capacity of CFO in the different Ministries. Interestingly, I had to know all the government and private rules and regulations in order to make a sound judgment and decision in the critical times. This has given me the competitive edge of rowing the business entities appropriately without capsizing it.

What I am doing now?

I am a Freelance Business Consultant. I am right now working on the establishment of Second Private College in Bhutan. It is a Million Dollar Project. I am also doing offline Real Estate Business in different parts of the country. I have invested quite good sum of money in buy lands especially for setting up of Hotels and Disney Like Park in different parts of the country. I am also eying on Tourism business and Educational Business. I have three projects at hand which I am going to launch by the year 2010.

Why I am doing Business?
My aim of doing business is not to be wealthy but rich. I want to teach my countrymen what business means. I want to promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) especially in allivation of rural poverty and minimizing rural urban migrations. I want to help those underprivileged girls and boys to acquire their basic education and decent living. I am also planing to establish old people's home for those senior citizens where they can meet their friends and make friends when they are old. Another reasons why I am in the business world is this is forum where I will have an opportunity to meet people from different parts of the world doing business with me.

What I want my potential Business Partners to do and What Can I do for you?

I am looking for the genuine business angels who would like to invest in building hotels, colleges, Institutes in Bhutan. Business Angels, who has the vision to establish good Financial Management and Engineering Colleges which can attract foreign students (90%) and Nationals(10%) in the country. I am also looking for Tour Agents in USA, Europe, Russia, China, Japan, Australia, Eastern Europe, India and Latin America, who can work with me here in Bhutan by sending their tourist and promote the tour packages in their country. Some Business Angels can invest in Real Estate in Bhutan ( We can Construct the building and sell off to the clients at a reasonable rates). The Land value in Bhutan is shooting up in every nook and corner of the country. Therefore, genuine investors can contact me for more business discussions.

How can you Reach me?

You can call me in my mobile No. +975-77256540 at anytime (24/7) or email me at or . Feel free to express your interest, your queries and any other business issues. You can skype me at business.rai or you can chat with me in yahoo as business.rai39 or msn at jb_rai.


I shall not be liable for any kind of losses ( materials or non materials, Mental or psychological) happened to the any parties connected to this blog and suffered losses due to their own non prudence judgement. Please I am blogging this information with the hope to meet genuine investors and our legal contract will come to effect only after signing the formal contracts. And all the legal issues will be dealt only in Bhutan.

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